The Journey to Joining the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY

As an expert in the Episcopal Church, I have witnessed the vibrant and welcoming community that it offers to its members. If you are interested in becoming a part of this community, you may be wondering what steps you need to take. In this article, I will guide you through the process of becoming a member of the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY.

What is the Episcopal Church?

The Episcopal Church is a Christian denomination that is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. It has its roots in the Church of England and was established in the United States after the American Revolution.

The Episcopal Church is known for its liturgical worship, which includes elements such as prayers, hymns, and readings from the Bible. The Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY is part of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, which encompasses Manhattan, the Bronx, Staten Island, and seven counties north of New York City. The diocese has over 200 congregations and is led by Bishop Andrew M. L. Dietsche.

Attending Services

The first step to becoming a member of the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY is to attend services regularly.

This will give you an opportunity to experience the worship style and get to know the community. The Episcopal Church follows a liturgical calendar, which includes special services for holidays such as Christmas and Easter. Services at the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY are held on Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. The 8:00 am service is a traditional Rite I service with organ music and hymns. The 10:00 am service is a contemporary Rite II service with a praise band and more modern music.

Both services include Holy Communion, which is open to all baptized Christians. Aside from regular Sunday services, the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY also offers mid-week services such as Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. These services are a great way to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with the community outside of Sunday worship.

Getting Involved

Another important aspect of becoming a member of the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY is getting involved in the community. The church offers various ministries and programs that cater to different interests and needs. Some of these include:
  • Youth Ministry: The Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY has an active youth ministry for children and teenagers.

    This includes Sunday school classes, youth group meetings, and special events.

  • Outreach Programs: The church is committed to serving the local community through various outreach programs such as food pantries, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters.
  • Bible Study: Bible study groups meet regularly to discuss and reflect on the teachings of the Bible. This is a great way to deepen your understanding of the Christian faith.
  • Mission Trips: The Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY also offers opportunities for members to participate in mission trips both locally and internationally. These trips provide a chance to serve others while also growing spiritually.
By getting involved in these activities, you will not only contribute to the community but also build relationships with other members and feel more connected to the church.

Taking Classes

The Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY offers classes for those who are interested in learning more about the church and its teachings. These classes are open to anyone, whether you are new to Christianity or have been a member of another denomination. The most important class for those looking to become members of the Episcopal Church is the Inquirer's Class.

This class covers the basics of the Episcopal Church, its history, and its beliefs. It is also a great opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions with other participants. Other classes that may be offered include Baptismal Preparation for those who have not been baptized and Confirmation/Reception for those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition and wish to become members of the Episcopal Church.

Joining the Church

After attending services, getting involved, and taking classes, you may feel ready to officially join the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY. The process of joining may vary from church to church, but it typically involves meeting with the priest or rector to discuss your desire to become a member. If you have not been baptized, you will need to be baptized before becoming a member. If you have been baptized in another Christian tradition, you may be received into the Episcopal Church through a special ceremony called Confirmation. Once you have completed all the necessary steps, you will be welcomed into the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY as a member.

This means that you can participate in all aspects of church life, including voting on important decisions and holding leadership positions.


Becoming a member of the Episcopal Church in Bronx, NY is a journey that involves attending services, getting involved in the community, taking classes, and joining the church. It is a process that allows you to deepen your faith and connect with others who share your beliefs. If you are interested in becoming a part of this welcoming and inclusive community, I encourage you to take the first step by attending a service this Sunday.

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